You may be wondering what I am doing these days. I know I wonder what other people are doing. Never mind those folks that travel. But all folks these days, I am wondering what their…
Planning a Trip in Uncertain Times

Upcoming trips ‑ or not …. Some important things to think about before you plan your next trip (I have added pictures for your viewing enjoyment that have nothing to do with the below post)…
PASSAU, Germany

TAKE a quick photo journey with me through Passau. Passau is one of Barvaria's oldest cities There are many archways giving the feel of Italy Narrow Streets of Passau Passau is known as the city…
Krems Truthfully, yesterday I had a hard time thinking about what ever could be romantic about the town of Krems, and the Gottweig Abbey, and where would I be able to find romance today? Up…

HEEDING my husband's advice to not fear missing out is my theme for today. Breakfast introduced me to the idea that I am probably missing out when our table-mates informed us that they were going…
Day in Budapest

TODAY the day started out foggy and Budapest lived up to its romantic reputation on the Danube. ON the Atla, we started with a lovely breakfast. Not only was there smoked salmon, but it is…
First Impressions

First impressions of Viking River Cruise
Plan your trip wisely

I feel at home in Europe – I loved it the first time I went there on a school trip when I was in high school. Today, of course, I live in rural Alberta, a…
Travel for the over 50 Crowd

Travel Now - Over 50 When you get to be over 50 years old, travel becomes something a bit different. When I was young, I had the energy and the desire to travel with a…
Sketchbook Flip

Today I am sharing with you a sketchbook flip from a trip a couple of years ago. About this sketchbook Sketchbooks become very valuable, and this one went to three different parts of the world…
Urban Sketching

Anyone can get started sketching while they travel! Go ahead and give it a try!
Germany’s Christmas Markets

Explosions of colours at Germany's Christmas Markets!! Today I am sharing with you my photos from Germany's Christmas markets. Be ready for an explosion of colour! Terminology First let us talk about some terminology: Gluhwein…

What is Quebec City Known For? Toboganning 1894 One of the most popular events that Quebec is known for is its winter carnival. Quebec's winter carnival is a pre-Easter event dating back to 1894. Since…
What to do in Budapest at Christmas?

Do you holiday at Christmas? Most people have a very strong opinion about leaving family and friends to experience far-away cultures and exotic destinations.
5 Tips About How to Pack for Your Next Trip

5 Tips When Planning a Wardrobe for Trip to Europe HOW TO PACK FOR A MULTI-DESTINATION HOLIDAY IN EUROPE I have an upcoming trip which includes lots of walking, train rides, bus rides, boat trips,…
Travel Photography – Getting Started

Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. Wikipedia Some things you need to remember when you are interested in photography To get right…

Dutch Lake, located at Clearwater, British Columbia, plays host to my husband's family reunion every second year. The lake is as warm as a cool bath, it has turtles and geese, is easy enough to…
Sandon Museum

Location The Sandon Museum is 50 short kilometers from Kaslo, on Highway 31, which follows a river, so it is a twisting and winding road. We spent a few hours here and it was well…

Once you enter the Museum, it feels very spacious and each room is well laid out with easy and entertaining exhibits
Budapest’s Ruin Bars
Think Culture, Art and Fun all wrapped up into one place! When I first heard of the ruin bars of Budapest, I wanted to visit them. I am planning on visiting them on December of…
Rooftop Culture in Olhao Portugal

In Portugal there seems to be a very real rooftop culture where so much happens near the stars.
7 Ideas for July Long in Alberta

…. check out overnighting in a lodge or hut or guest ranch, roadtrip to the mountains for a day, badlands for the day, whitewater rafting, glacier walking ….

Adventure is a common travel style for a lot of people.
Planning the Trip to Portugal

How We Picked Portugal While I dreamed of a relaxing beach holiday, DH did not buy into that idea. One day when the planning had stalled, out of frustration, I asked where he would…
Maps and Newfoundland

I want to just talk about maps for a moment. While it is probably not necessary to have a map with you when you travel, it is, however, extremely important that you have an idea…