TAKE a quick photo journey with me through Passau. Passau is one of Barvaria's oldest cities There are many archways giving the feel of Italy Narrow Streets of Passau Passau is known as the city…
PASSAU, Germany

TAKE a quick photo journey with me through Passau. Passau is one of Barvaria's oldest cities There are many archways giving the feel of Italy Narrow Streets of Passau Passau is known as the city…
HEEDING my husband's advice to not fear missing out is my theme for today. Breakfast introduced me to the idea that I am probably missing out when our table-mates informed us that they were going…
TODAY the day started out foggy and Budapest lived up to its romantic reputation on the Danube. ON the Atla, we started with a lovely breakfast. Not only was there smoked salmon, but it is…
First impressions of Viking River Cruise
I feel at home in Europe – I loved it the first time I went there on a school trip when I was in high school. Today, of course, I live in rural Alberta, a…
Explosions of colours at Germany's Christmas Markets!! Today I am sharing with you my photos from Germany's Christmas markets. Be ready for an explosion of colour! Terminology First let us talk about some terminology: Gluhwein…
What is Quebec City Known For? Toboganning 1894 One of the most popular events that Quebec is known for is its winter carnival. Quebec's winter carnival is a pre-Easter event dating back to 1894. Since…
Do you holiday at Christmas? Most people have a very strong opinion about leaving family and friends to experience far-away cultures and exotic destinations.
5 Tips When Planning a Wardrobe for Trip to Europe HOW TO PACK FOR A MULTI-DESTINATION HOLIDAY IN EUROPE I have an upcoming trip which includes lots of walking, train rides, bus rides, boat trips,…
Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. Wikipedia Some things you need to remember when you are interested in photography To get right…