“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee
What sets your heart pumping? What eases your mind and feeds your soul? I think we all are looking for the place which invigorates us, which gives us peace, where we can find true love.
I also think that we are forever searching and readjusting. Similar to travel, what may have been the place we needed to be when we were young, or teens, or young adults, with young families, you get the drift, changes all the time. Camping with mom and dad as kids may not be what we want to do today. My soul gets set on fire nowadays by trips where I can think deeply, look and internalize what I see, slowly turn around and feel what a place is like. Then I take away from it a deeper sense of self because that trip is now a part of who I am and will forever will be.

-Gustav Flaubert